Getting ahead in any field today requires the elusive concept of “experience.” Teachers and professionals constantly remind students that experience is what will set them apart from their peers, and every internship and job application requires a certain amount of it...
Empowering Creativity, Celebrating Achievement
URAD Features
Andrea Polli: Bio Art and Design and the Future of STEAM
Andrea Polli, Professor of Art and Associate Professor of Engineering at The University of New Mexico, is known for her work that melds art, environment, data, science, and technology and provides students with a worldview and focus on the innovative and rapidly...
The Fun of Physics: Marvel Movies, Car Gimmicks, Lightbulbs and Research
Have you been encouraged to unplug a cord to “save energy?” Do you sometimes wonder if Tony Stark’s scientific explanations of the mechanics behind his suits are accurate, or if space travel in Guardians of the Galaxy is realistic? These questions need not remain...
UROC Showcases Student Research
At first glance, a research conference may sound like an event reserved for professors or graduate students. However, conducting research is a crucial skill for undergraduate students. For students planning to go to graduate school, undergraduate research can make...
Water in Earth Systems: Conducting Research in ENVS 323L with Dr. Gary Weismann
At UNM, many instructors of required STEM courses utilize field-based undergraduate research experiences to improve student understanding and innovation. In these courses, instructors prepare and guide students in solving important problems. As a result, students...
Mellon Mays Undergradute Research Fellowship
From New Mexico high school classrooms, to UNM’s general education program, Kalila Bohsali used research opportunities to catch up to out of state students and UNM scholarly expectations.